When Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs? All you need to know

Chickens are amazing creatures that can provide us with fresh eggs for many years. However, as they age, their egg production will eventually slow down and stop. There are a number of factors that can affect when chickens stop laying eggs, including their age, breed, health, and environment.

So when do chickens actually stop laying eggs?

The age at which chickens stop laying eggs varies depending on the breed. Some breeds, such as Leghorns, may start laying eggs as early as 18 weeks old, while others, such as Silkies, may not start laying until they are 24 weeks old. In general, most breeds will stop laying eggs at around 4-5 years old.

What factors can cause chickens to stop laying eggs?

There are a number of factors that can cause chickens to stop laying eggs. These include:

  • Age: As chickens age, their egg production will naturally slow down and eventually stop.
  • Breed: Some breeds of chickens are naturally better layers than others. For example, Leghorns are known for their high egg production, while Silkies are not as prolific layers.
  • Health: If a chicken is sick or injured, it may stop laying eggs.
  • Nutrition: If a chicken is not getting enough nutrients, it may stop laying eggs.
  • Light: Chickens need a certain amount of light to lay eggs. If they do not get enough light, they will stop laying eggs.
  • Stress: If a chicken is stressed, it may stop laying eggs.

How can I tell if my chickens have stopped laying eggs?

If you have been keeping track of your chickens' egg production, you will be able to tell if they have stopped laying eggs. However, if you are not sure, there are a few things you can look for. These include:

  • The chickens may not be sitting on their nests as often.
  • They may be losing feathers.
  • They may be less active.
  • Their combs and wattles may be smaller.

Is there a specific age when chickens stop laying eggs?

There is no specific age when chickens stop laying eggs. However, most breeds will stop laying eggs at around 4-5 years old.

Can chickens start laying eggs again after they have stopped?

Yes, chickens can start laying eggs again after they have stopped. This is usually only temporary, however. Once a chicken reaches a certain age, their egg production will not return to its previous levels.

Are there any signs that indicate a chicken is about to stop laying eggs?

There are a few signs that indicate a chicken is about to stop laying eggs. These include:

  • Their egg production will start to slow down.
  • They may start sitting on their nests less often.
  • They may start losing feathers.
  • Their combs and wattles may start to shrink.

How long do chickens typically lay eggs for?

Chickens typically lay eggs for 2-5 years. However, some breeds may lay eggs for longer, while others may stop laying eggs earlier.

Do different breeds of chickens stop laying eggs at different times?

Yes, different breeds of chickens stop laying eggs at different times. Some breeds, such as Leghorns, are naturally better layers than others. For example, Leghorns may start laying eggs as early as 18 weeks old, while Silkies may not start laying until they are 24 weeks old.

Can I do anything to encourage my chickens to keep laying eggs for longer?

There are a few things you can do to encourage your chickens to keep laying eggs for longer. These include:

  • Provide them with a balanced diet that is high in protein and calcium.
  • Make sure they have a comfortable place to lay their eggs.
  • Give them plenty of sunlight.
  • Manage their stress levels.

What should I do if my chickens have stopped laying eggs?

If your chickens have stopped laying eggs, there are a few things you can do. First, you should check to make sure they are healthy. If they are healthy, you may need to adjust their diet or their environment. You may also need to be patient. Some chickens will start laying eggs again after a few weeks, while others may not.

What about when chickens start laying eggs? Read my article:When do chickens start laying eggs.


I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.